Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
In a world where people are all around us, where we are connected more than ever before and loved ones are just a call away, how is it that we can still feel so lonely? How do we address that feeling of emptiness and that void that simply won’t go away? Unfortunately, there isn’t really a “5 step guide” to get out of a loneliness rut. But what steps can we take to ensure we are not filling that empty void with the wrong things? Often we may try to fill our emptiness with busyness, distractions, obsessions, and although this may address our feelings of loneliness at first, it is not sustainable. Here are a few habits you can develop to try to work through a season of loneliness. With these habits and time, you can better address that empty feeling and live a life of contentment regardless of the circumstances.
1. Journaling
Work through your feelings. Acknowledge how you feel. Your feelings are valid and God wants to share how you feel. He is close to us and feels our pain (Psalm 34:18). It’s important to share your feelings with God. Although he knows our every thought and sees each tear that falls, he wants you to open up about how you feel and take that to Him and lay it at His feet. Journal your feelings onto a page and don’t hold back. This can help with letting go of your thoughts that cloud your mind so you can be free of distractions when talking and listening to God.
2. Community vs Isolation
When feeling lonely, it’s easy to want to be alone. Although it sounds ironic, you may want to further isolate yourself and avoid socialization and interaction with others and simply feel your feelings and remain in a meloncholy state. It may seem harder to put a smile on your face and be with company. It may take more effort than choosing to be alone.
However, it’s times like these where leaning on community is most important. Lean on your community of people to be there for you, to simply be in their presence, to help lift up your spirits and guide you to lean on God through it all.
3. Lean on God
Even in the hardest of times, turn your focus to God. Lean on him for his strength, seek his peace that goes beyond understanding, seek contentment and joy even in the hardest circumstances.
Listen to worship music and hear the lyrics closely- we can seek Him when we feel like we are at our lowest points. Praise Him and speak to Him through your worship. Here are a few songs that might resonate.
Read His word. Scripture is God’s word to us to guide us through the mountains and the valleys. The story of Job shows us how Job stood strong even through the constant battles life threw at him, his faith remained strong. The book of Psalms is filled with David’s cries to the Lord in his pain, suffering and hardships. Share the burden of your feelings to God.
But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.
job 36:15
Lord, listen to me and answer me.
I am poor and helpless.
2 Protect me, because I worship you.
My God, save me, your servant who trusts in you.
3 Lord, have mercy on me,
because I have called to you all day.
4 Give happiness to me, your servant,
because I give my life to you, Lord.
5 Lord, you are kind and forgiving
and have great love for those who call to you.
6 Lord, hear my prayer,
and listen when I ask for mercy.
7 I call to you in times of trouble,
because you will answer me.
Journal your emotions, feel your feelings, surround yourself with community and share your heart with God and let Him fill your void and emptiness. He will provide fulfillment, purpose and you will never be alone.